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Common Laser Engraving Issues and How to Solve Them

Common Laser Engraving Issues and How to Solve Them


The truth is that many problems and errors can occur when you are using any laser engraver. This might be because of beginner errors. Or, there are settings on your software or engraver that are set incorrectly.

In order to know what you did wrong and how to correct your problem; we are listing the top 5 problems and issues people are facing. Making it easier to rectify your problem to ensure successful engraving projects.

Inconsistent depth and power of engraving

The inconsistent depth and power of engraving are where your engravings are too light or too deep. This is a problem that occurs in the same image. This can be frustrating and normally means wasted material. Some of the causes and repairs include:

  • Incorrect power settings for the type of material used. You need to adjust the power settings according to your error. Too deep, means a lower setting. Too light means higher power.

  • The engraving speed is incorrect. It is engraved too fast or too slowly, which results in inconsistent depth. Adjust the speed accordingly.

  • Dirty mirrors and lenses. Debris can cause dirty lenses and mirrors. Clean the mirrors might correct the problem.

Laser Engraver Problem

Poor and unevenly defined edges

This is almost the same problem as the previous one. The difference is that the inconsistencies are just visible at the edges of the engraving. Some edges are rough, while others might be blurry or sharp. This can result in low-quality engraving. Some reasons and solutions will include:

  • The resolution is too low. This normally happens during fine detailed engravings. If this is the problem, you need to adjust the resolution to a higher setting.

  • DPI is incorrect. DPI stands for dots per inch. If it’s too low, it might be blurry. Causing a lack of fine details and sharpness. Increasing the DPI will rectify this problem.

  • The engraving looks out of focus. In other words, blurry. This happens when the laser isn’t focused on the right point. To calibrate the engraver again, will repair this problem easily.

  • Material shifted during the engraving process. When the material shifts or moves during the process, it can cause misalignment or uneven edges. Make sure that your material is secured in place before engraving.

Charred edges or burn marks on material

It will be clear that the edges are burned or black in appearance. This isn’t how it should be looking. When your edges are black and burn-liked, it actually burns the material. There are a couple of possible causes for this problem, and rectifying it will be easy.

  • The power of the engraver is too high, or the speed of the engraver is too low. This can cause the material to burn. You need to lower the power of the engraver or adjust the speed to engrave faster. Your image should not have any black spots on it.

  • The wrong material was chosen for the engraver. This can also happen when you use a material that isn’t compatible with the engraver. Some materials, especially plastic can’t be used by any engraver. Plastic is also more prone to burning and needs to be avoided as much as possible.

  • When incorrect focus results in excess heat in one specific area. Causing that area to burn instead of engrave on the material. You might want to refocus the material and adjust the resolutions in order to have even heat.

Laser Engraver Problem

Inconsistencies in image

With photos and images, the lines are inconsistent. Meaning that some lines will be more visible, while other lines will be less visible than other lines. Some of the main causes and repairs of this problem include:

  • Low resolutions set. The lower the resolution of a photo or image, the more inconsistent the result will be. The best repair is to adjust the resolutions and to test it again, before using it on the material.

  • There might be a scan gap between the lines. This is when there is a distance between laser passes. This can be rectified by lowering the settings.

  • Inconsistent power and speed can also cause inconsistencies in an image. You might want to test different power and speed to see which image and photo will have the least amount of inconsistencies.

Engraving is starting at an incorrect position.

This is a common problem. This is when the laser head begins engraving in an incorrect place. It might seem like a small problem, but it can cause images and engraving to be low in quality. The causes and repairs will rectify this problem.

  • Misaligned home position is the most common problem. The best results are to align the engraver again, especially the home position.

  • Incorrect origin can cause this problem as well. If the engraver isn’t zeroed, the starting point will be set wrong. It has the same repair as the previous point. You need to align the engraver again.

If you have any problems with the engraving process, your product will look cheap. You will lose the materials you used and will need to start over. If you know what the problem is, and how to repair it, will make it easier to rectify. There isn’t always the need to call in a professional if this is a small issue that can be repaired yourself.

And I'm glad to share the video posted by LightBurn to you. It provides practical solutions to a range of common problems, including connection issues, power loss, weak laser output, and even more specific concerns like loose belts or motor pulleys. No matter if you're just starting out or you're a pro, this guide is here to help! It'll give you some great tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your laser engraver.

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